How to get funding at childcare and kinder
19 February 2024
Kindergarten and child care can be an exciting step for you and your child as they learn, play, make friends, and have fun.
The good news is that there is funding assistance to support the inclusion of children with disability or additional needs. But it’s important to remember that the type of funding and who applies for it depends on which setting you’ve chosen for your child.
So what funding is available and how do you get it?
We’ve listed the key types of available funding, and who applies for it:
Child Care Subsidy
This helps families with the cost of child care if you’re working, looking for work, or if you receive Carer Allowance or Carer Payment. Families apply for this themselves and must meet some requirements to be able to claim it. Child Care Subsidy – Services Australia
Inclusion Support Program
This is an Australian Government program that can provide training for staff, equipment, and additional educators in child care services. Your service will apply on behalf of your child. You may need to provide copies of assessments or reports as evidence. Inclusion Support Program – Department of Education, Australian Government
Kindergarten Inclusion Support Program
Kindergarten programs can get extra support to include children with disability and complex needs through the Victorian Kindergarten Inclusion Support Program (KIS). Support can include training, advice on inclusive learning, minor building modifications, and extra assistance to support all children in the program. It is a detailed application process that the kindergarten completes. Kindergarten Inclusion Support | vic.gov.au (www.vic.gov.au)
Flexible Support Packages
This is short-term financial assistance for up to 10 weeks that kindergarten programs can apply for, while longer-term support is being determined. It is used if immediate support is needed for children with behaviours of concern and to help stabilise a child’s attendance and inclusion. Flexible Support Packages | vic.gov.au (www.vic.gov.au)
Need more information? Head to our free guide Getting started at childcare and kindergarten.
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